Sofia Sunaga


Sofia has been stewarding the relational, cultural, systemic, and technological infrastructure upon which the Intergen.Family work stands. She does so by merging her extensive and ongoing experiential knowledge and study of the family office ecosystem with her prior 15-year work in international development and grass-roots movements.

In 2019 Sofia was the core strategic and operational force behind the production of the Intergen Program Track presented at the Family Office Association and delivered in 7 different cities across the United States. The Intergen community and network was born out of these in-person gatherings. The outstanding insight and aspiration of such group can be experienced in what has now become the Intergen.Family worldview—the result of the work of 44 individuals who were invited to meet outside of the official programs to explore what collaboration truly requires.

Sofia is also founding Co-Chair of the Purpose Lab within NEXUS, a global movement to bridge communities of wealth and social entrepreneurship. She has been a member of the network since 2014 and has spoken in both its national and global summits. In addition, she has hosted workshops, panels, delegations, and online community activities that included engagement and cooperation with NCFP, Fetzer, Synergos, and Templeton.

Prior to embarking on her current endeavors, Sofia worked at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, D.C. She holds a B.A. in Social Communications from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and an interdisciplinary M.A. from Georgetown University in Communication, Culture, and Technology. Among her many interests are contemplative prayer, meditation, singing, and hiking. Sofia is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and is an eternal student of Japanese.


David Chang