Our “Response-Ability” statements


The world is undergoing fast and profound transformations.

I am called to respond purposefully, creatively and resourcefully to these complex times.


What we do now will determine the physical life conditions for all life on Earth.

I am called to be aware of how my current actions affect the present and future of our planet.


The access to information and collective knowledge is increasingly widely distributed.

I am called to balance my belonging to an existing community, with openness to learn from other communities, particularly those who are not part of my daily life.


We need to put forth more effort to sustain attention and purposeful action in the midst of distraction.

I am called to discern where I place my attention and focus my action.


We need sustained, trust-based, and continuously expanding networks of collaboration for effective action.

I am called to be connected with others so we can amplify our collective action by cultivating trust and coordinated action.


Our capacity to respond effectively to the world’s problems depends upon collaboration across generations.

I am called to working across generations to support the positive transformation of the world.


Each generation has a wealth of human, intellectual, social, spiritual and financial capitals.

I am called to acknowledge and integrate multiple forms of capital in my life and work.


Intergenerational collaboration requires self-inquiry, empathy, active listening and open mindedness.

I am called to self-inquiry, exploring empathy, listening deeply, and being open minded so that I can be a better collaborator.


Collaborations are made more effective with high-trust relationships.

I am called to create trust-worthy relationships and commit to reconciliation when necessary.