David Chang


David is responsible for curating and engaging key influencers and members of diverse networks within the family office ecosystem, philanthropic industry, investment field, and entrepreneurial space. He has spent several years supporting people to discover their life purpose and inner wealth to bring value, gifts, and impact in the world.

Through his 20+ years of experience and connections in a myriad of fields related to personal transformation and collective impact, David is the key engagement driver for the Intergen Program Track presented at the Family Office Association, an organization working with hundreds of Single Family Offices for over 10 years. As such, he has been largely responsible for the quality of the “thought-and-heart” leadership that has been the hallmark of the Intergen Track experience, now delivered in 7 different cities and engaging over 500 individuals in 2019 and 2020.

In addition, David played a meaningful and supportive role in the founding of NEXUS in 2011, later becoming a co-founder of Invest in Yourself, and also a founding Co-Chair of the Purpose Lab within this large network (6,000+ members) of philanthropists, impact investors and social entrepreneurs.

Over the last decade, David developed, organized, and hosted scores of intergenerational summits and men’s retreats focusing on personal growth and leadership. He also advanced intergenerational dialogue as a keynote speaker, facilitator and host at Wharton, Family Office Exchange, Family Office Association, Purposeful Planning Institute, NEXUS Summits, The Ojai Foundation, Institute for Noetic Sciences, Findhorn Foundation, and Omega Institute.

David holds a degree from the Wharton School with a concentration in social entrepreneurship. He has received professional training from the Coaches Training Institute, Life Purpose Institute, and Working From the Heart. The inquiry that animates David more than any other is learning how we can invite new collective and regenerative futures based on our shared love for those futures. As a former student of the Servant Leadership School David practices contemplative prayer, feels deeply inspired by the lives of saints and mystics, and appreciates the spiritual and religious dimensions of civic movements.


Chris Piña


Sofia Sunaga